Remove YouTube Suggestions
Free · Open Source · Since 2018
Hide recommended videos and customize the user interface.
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10k daily users · 150 reviews
4.7 out of 5
Motivated by an attempt to stymie the YouTube rabbit hole.
The YouTube recommendation algorithm optimizes for the most engaging videos, regardless of whether or not you are interested. Persistent exposure to these suggestions can result in a waste of your time. So download this add-on and remove the suggestions as you please.
Selected Reviews
"Works perfectly and has the features of 5 other combined addons"
"Amazing! I really can't control my procrastination at times, so this app really helped me out a ton!"
"the best extension to experience a distraction free youtube! highly recommended for everyone! more kudos for being open source!"
"Simple and easy to use. It does what I needed."
"Works perfectly."
"very useful add-on, I love it"
"Thank you for this add on, it works like a charm :)"
"This add-on makes browsing YouTube much more peaceful and enjoyable!"
"Great add-on that has helped me with my productivity. Highly recommended."
"I watch alot of esports, this helps remove the spoils in comments and sidebar videos."
"Works! This addon makes Youtube usable for me. Just the video I want, nothing more. Thanks to the developer!"
"Legend. Does what it says on the tin."
"Great for keeping focus. Thank you a lot."